Monday 16 April 2012

Boost Immunity and Detoxify with Moringa

Did you know that the “common cold” results in about one million doctor visits annually? However, many studies show that when your immune system is strong and vital, the viruses that can cause colds and flu are unlikely to affect you. It is vital to keep your immune system healthy, especially during these colder months. Moringa oleifera is a powerful superfood that can help us boost our immunity and detoxify! Moringa can help strengthen our immune system because it provides the nutrition to promote increased cells and has anti-pathogenic properties. Moringa oleifera, which is very high in amino acids, and anti-oxidants supports our health because one of the key factors in aging and a weak immune system is low amounts of nucleic acids in the body. Moringa is a 100% natural food and for this reason you may consume as much as you want.

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