Monday, 24 August 2015


This “miracle tree” is able to provide all of the amino acids required by the human body. Protein is needed not only for the structural components such as muscle and tissues, but neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes and immunoglobulins as well. There are various nutrients that can have a beneficial effect on enhancing immune system function and Moringa oleifera certainly qualifies in this category due to the ability to provide several of these phytonutrients. Speaking of the immune system, one of the functions of the immune system is to keep pathogens from growing, proliferating and damaging tissues. Moringa oleifera has been shown to be anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibiotic, which will certainly lighten the load on the immune system. In addition, Moringa oleifera demonstrates the ability to be a potent detoxifying agent. It’s an unfortunate fact that our own “civilized” food supply no longer feeds us well nutritionally. Our food is comforting, and tastes good, but as far as our cells are concerned, too much of what we eat is over-processed, denatured and acidic, and ends up depleting our bodies— robbing us rather than feeding us. Moringa Powder is able to meet most of the nutritional needs because it contains all essentials amino acids and vitamins. It also helps combat malnutrition especially among infants and nursing mothers and thus able to boost their immune system against diseases and enhance their nutrition value: moringa oleifera leaves are full of nutrients and vitamins which are good for diseases prevention Cheers to good health!